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Looking back on the Olympics

The Summer Olympics of 2024 in Paris were an amazing spectacle of talent, drive, physical and mental prowess, and all-out entertainment. It often didn't matter to me which country was winning, it could be a runner from Kenya or a swimmer from UK that I would find myself rooting for because they were a wonder and thrill to watch. I hope everyone found the events inspiring.

What does this have to do with PT, besides the fact that these athletes have probably spent countless hours at one time in a PT clinic? I am blogging on this because the Olympics were a reminder of the awe of the human body, to meet so many challenges and surpass so many milestones to achieve greatness. The human body knows how to heal, it wants to heal, its constant quest is to achieve what is called homeostasis, a state of equilibrium. Our bodies adapt, grow, and respond to all that we do. That is why if we fuel with nourishing food, move with intention and awareness, focus and hone our attention to a task at hand, we can achieve what amounts to our Olympic moment. Most people don't intuitively know how to do this, but once they are taught and shown by someone knowledgeable who takes them under their wing, they too can win their version of gold.

Are you ready to take that on?

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